The Itinerant Canuck

Friday, September 02, 2005

Republican Priorities (Part II)

Following up on that last post, Kos has a compilation of the Republican responses from yesterday, the 4th day of this national tragedy. Taken together, their tone-deafness and imbecility is staggering:

A Confederacy of Dunces

These people need job reassignment, and soon. Preferably nothing involving responsibility for human health, welfare or happiness. Come to think of it, keep them away from small animals too.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Republican Priorities

Dennis Hastert thinks that we should write off New Orleans. Presumably it's too expensive to rebuild...?

Hastert Says Rebuilding the Big Easy is Too Hard

Meanwhile, the RNC sent out this little email TODAY in response to the catastrophe:

Courtesy of Josh Marshall

I guess we know which side wins out in the oxymoronic war between "Compassion" and "Conservatism".

There's not enough money to save one of America's great cities. (Or its inhabitants apparently.)

But tax cuts for billionaires? Non-negotiable.

Republican priorities in stark juxtaposition.

No More Mr. Nice Press

CNN on the Bush Administration's incompetence (linked via DailyKos):

Jack Cafferty, calling it like it is.

The Big One in The Big Easy

Does this remind anyone else of Baghdad after the invasion?

New Orleans Mayor Issues 'Desperate SOS'

No plan. No preparation. An assumption that the mess would clean itself up.

The fact of disaster might not have been prevented, but the scale, scope and degree were all dependent upon readiness and a quick and decisive response. Instead, the president stayed on vacation playing guitar for two more days. Anarchy is once more the result. Only this time it isn't the Baghdad museum and Iraq's infrastructure being looted. It's the entire city of New Orleans and it's historic heritage. In 2005, on American soil, we are watching people literally DIE IN FRONT OF OUR EYES because AFTER THREE DAYS they still do not have access to food, water and medical attention. Infants dying in front of CNN reporters. What is this, Darfur?

If they weren't already, the people running this country can now be officially certified incompetent. There's no getting around it. This has moved beyond failure; it is now a pattern. On a fundamental level, they have not done their jobs. Bush's excuse?

"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."

No one except every scientist and specialist working on the issue for the last half century, the Army Corps of Engineers, the city government of New Orleans, any cable news or weather channel you turned to at any point in the 48 hours before the storm hit, and all of my drinking companions at Capitol City on Sunday night. So, excluding anyone not on vacation for five weeks who had the least bit of interest in the issue, yeah I think you could safely say no one. Maybe what Bush meant was "I don't think anyone in my administration anticipated the breach of the levees." In that case, I don't dispute it for a second.