The Itinerant Canuck

Thursday, November 09, 2006

We Won. Big.

It's been an eventful, sleep-deprived 48 hours. On a macro level, I'm a very happy guy.

I'm particularly excited about Jim Webb and Claire McCaskill, who I latched on to as the candidates I wanted most to pull out wins on Tuesday. I was at the HRC get-together on Capitol Hill when the razor-thin margin between Allen and Webb finally flipped in Webb's favor, right around midnight. A spontaneous cheer broke out.

At home later, while looking online at CNN's county-by-county vote numbers, it was clear that most of the outstanding votes in VA and MO were Webb's and McCaskill's. I went to bed worried Allen (or Burns) might request recounts, leading to a protracted mess, but fell asleep confident that we had defied the odds and run the table to come away with both houses of Congress.

I first started spending time in DC in 2000, and I was here on election night that November. I remember the crowd at my election party sighing in disappointment when Allen won over Chuck Robb. It was a nice reversal to be able to see that seat taken back by a Dem six years later. And in general, it was my first election while in DC that can be unequivocally called a Democratic victory - a great thing to be part of here.



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