The Itinerant Canuck

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Chris Crain is an erstwhile local journalist/editor/all-around-cool-guy here in DC. And now he has a blog.

LOVE the name.

It's got great stuff on the Foley matter as it relates to the Washington gay community and its large contigent of nature-defying gay Republicans.

I'm not really referring to the closet types - who are oddly easier to comprehend. Perhaps because the type is familiar. Cliche even.

No, the really interesting players in this ongoing DC drama are those who are out (if not always proudly) as both gay and GOP.

As a one-time New York transplant, I've always found them fascinating creatures, anthropologically speaking. More than once I've been on a date, made a left-leaning political aside, and seen that uncomfortable look on the other side of the table.

"Uh oh. You're one of those..."

Given my genetic disposition to never hold my tongue, things inevitably run rapidly down hill at this point. I've been here a while now, so the situation is not nearly as surprising anymore. But it still boggles the mind.

Depending on how nasty this scandal gets (and it's well on its way), the balancing act these guys have to engage in to reconcile their oxymoronic identities may get a lot more difficult.

To be clear, I can understand how someone can be gay and conservative - Andrew Sullivan does a good job of articulating how these identities can be complementary.

But this is not the same thing as being gay and Republican. Not in 2006. That's just silly.


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